Dar’s research range covers economic fundamentals, analysis on social events and macroeconomics, knowledge and technology driven growth, etc.

Cyclical Behaviors

World Input Output Analysis

Structuring the circulation of the world input, final consumption and output is basis for analysis of international macroeconomic dynamics. The raw data used for this analysis is World Input-Output Database 2016 Release from World Input-Output Database (https://www.rug.nl/ggdc/valuechain/wiod/?lang=en). It comprises intermediates, final consumption, investment by 56 sectors of 43 countries and rest of the world from 2000 to 2014. Since World Input-Output Database was denoted as millions of US$ each year, it was converted into real values, using the indicators of GDP current 2015 US$ and GDP current US$ from World Development Indicators (https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators).

This analysis presents the suppliers and consumers of world intermediates, final consumption goods, investment goods each in the order of the scales. Also, it shows import and/or export counterparts of each country in the order of the scales, and the trends during the period. The National Trade Dependency Indicators of a country can be induced from summing the import and export from each country. In all cases, it is revealed the largest entity consuming intermediates, final consumption, total output that are from each country is its own domestic market.

World Intermediates